Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Manicure & Pedicure Experience - Group Vouchers Philippines

Me and my friend, chenie, had a great Saturday last May 07, 2011 after we have availed the voucher we bought at ensogo - one of the numerous group buying sites that recently invades internet world. Anyway, below is the soft copy of the voucher we used at Studio Zen Salon for manicure and pedicure service worth P150 only.

chloe turned 9 months old last 050511!

Last May 05, 2011, My little girl turned 9 months. Oh how fast the time really is, it was like yesterday when I'm carrying her inside my womb but now she turned into more active and lovely child.

In line with this, here are the things she can do now:

What to do when baby bites?

I'm doing a research on what to do when baby bites. Yeah, you've read it right. Since my baby girl has 4 front teeth now, she actually loves gnaw, chomp and tear my skin - my arm, belly, and sometimes my nipple.

Anyway, these are some of the quick tips I found on the net:

Ignore and Distract. I am sure that it hurts like hell, but any response makes the recurrence of biting. Your child loves to learn new ways to use to influence his world. Detach him, take a deep breath, and move on.

Another MyLikes Payment

Just when I checked my paypal account, I'm glad that I received another payout from mylikes. Anyway, below is the screen shot for the proof. I think this is the fifth payout I received  from them. Though it is not that too much, still I'm glad because I received another online payment. True indeed that you can earn online!