Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Writer's Block?!?

writer's blockHave you experience this situation wherein there are lots of ideas running on your mind but still you can't put them into words? Oh my I'm actually on that state. Am I experiencing a writer's block?  What do you think should I do so I can overcome this?


I don't know actually what I am thinking when I left you yesterday. But my instinct (mother instinct) said to me that I should leave you coz the little girl might crying and looking for her mom. You know the situation, but why can't you just understand me. I ask you what's our status then you answered me with a kiss. Well, you really know how to make me calm whenever I have doubt in my mind.

Burned babies need more aid

Remember my previous blog about the three babies who were burned when the lamp explode? Well, I just recently read an update about it.Here's the excerpt of the news I've read:
"In a privilege speech during the regular council session on Friday, Councilor Margarita "Margot" OsmeƱa emphasized that the explosion of a bulb last February 20, which injured three newborns, was an accident.
But she also said the City Government must assure the parents of the victims of its full commitment to help the infants deal with any effects of the accident.

Chloe's 7 Month Birthday!

Yes, you've read it right! Yesterday is my little girl 7 month's birthday. Oh, it's been so long since I haven't posted anything about my little girl here. Anyway, time really fly fast. It was like yesterday when I gave birth to you my little girl and now you're like a little lady.

This is chloe's first few shots:

baby story
chloe's first week
and now, this is her recent shots: