Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Nutri10 Plus for Active Kids

My 2 kids, CA & C, are taking vitamins everyday. I always followed their pedia advice since they are usually prone to cough and colds. It never crossed my mind to try other brands like flintstones and scott multivitamins since their current vitamins are very suited for them.

A few weeks ago, Wert Philippines send us this new multivitamins, Nutri10 Plus for active kids. Since my kids vitamins were already consumed all, I am very glad that this new vitamins came at the right time. *Savings*

Nutri10 Plus contains the following vitamins & minerals that is really essential for our growing kids:
  • Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) - which helps children to grow at an accelerated rate.
  • Zinc - contributes to the maintenance of cell and organ integrity
  • Taurine - which helps in brain development
  • Lysine - help boost appetite.
  • Vitamin A - which is important for growth and development, and for good vision
  • Vitamin Bs -  play important roles in cell metabolism. 
  • Vitamin C -  necessary for normal growth and development. 

That's goodness in 1 bottle so what can we ask for? I hope my dearest kiddos will be "hiyang" with this. To know more about Nutri10 Plus, visit their Facebook page:

Quotation Treasure # 4 : Faith


"We should always put our faith in our Mighty Creator. Do not worry because He has a better plans in our life." (Jeremiah 29:11)