Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Yesterday and the Lessons


It was like yesterday when we're teasing each other and had a great bonding until I get tired and lean on you.

It was like yesterday when I'm singing while you're playing the guitar.

It was like yesterday when you promised me that the white rose would never ever be turned wilt.

It was like yesterday when we run under the heavy rain then went to the mall even though we were totally wet.

Nothing Special...

My Little Girl Walking Exercise

I have mentioned on my previous blog that chloe can now take a little two steps. So for her to learn how to walk fully, here's the video clip of a walking exercise for her.

On the video, we let chloe push something. In that way, she can learn how to walk little by little. :)

Just Attended the 1st SEO ORG PHL Meetup

Yesterday, our company seo team attended the 1st SEO.ORG.PH National Assembly at School of Urban and Regional Planning, UP diliman. This event was organized by some senior members of

Me and cheng actually didn't want to go since we don't have a proper sleep due to some work needed to finish. Well, glad that we finished and sent it yesterday and attended the assembly even though we were late and it was raining. :)