Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Baby in Black

Here's the reason why the title is like that:

Cute and Interesting Google Letterings!

Hi dear readers! Haha. It's been almost a month since I haven't updated my blog. I have lots of stories to tell but actually I don't know where to start.

Anyway, have you guys see the new Google letterings? Argh. Don't know what to call that. Here's the picture so you'll get what I mean.

google les paul

This is finally over!

I hate it. I hate what happened to us. I didn't want this. But why?

Lately, I'm doing too much thinking. Thinking lots of ifs and possibilities that might had come my way.

Actually, it is so hard to let go of the feeling which I treasured the most in my life. Please tell me how I should cope up with this. I don't know how to heal a broken heart. Oh God, please help me.

Facts About Sitting : It Could Actually Kill You

Everyone (pretending that I have lots of reader. Lol), check this out. I just saw this at yahoo page. The image caters various facts about sitting. Oh after I read about this, I thought to myself that I could die anytime because I sit for almost ten hours a day. Haha.