Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Google Plus is Now Officially Open To All

Yes, it is true! No need for invitation anymore since it was officially announced.

Anyway, here's the screenshot I found when I check the google page this morning.

Now, I can ask my friend to join me on this another social networking site. Let see what would it can give us. Yay!

When Chloe Meets Chocolate

" It is a sure disaster and funny moments! "

Paradise In My Confusing Dream

"I'm wearing a white dress then I am into a place surrounded with a beautiful white flowers and blue sky. The place is full of peacefulness, happiness and purity. Silence came into me then I started to wonder where am I. I actually thought that I'm going to attend a wedding ceremony (probably my wedding). I've search for church and anyone else out there but I'm disappointed, I've found out that I'm only the person on that beautiful paradise.

Where am I? That question ponder on my mind again. As I explore the place no answer is coming to me. All I can hear is the clarity of silence and the loud sound of my heart beating."

- Just a scene from my confusing dream.

Alone in Mountain

I have it here
Deep inside in my mind and heart
What should I do?
I don't what's going through...

Ohhh... I think I'm flying
to the strange place again.
An unfair world that's full of illusions
and there's a burden at my back that can't be measure.

I sigh for a while
Then take a walk for one mile
I rest when my knees were shaking
and always take a long look at one thing.

Whom can I rely on?
when all there are too busy
Whom can I talk to?
when no one there is willing to listen?

note: this poem was written last year I think.