Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Just Attended the 1st SEO ORG PHL Meetup

Yesterday, our company seo team attended the 1st SEO.ORG.PH National Assembly at School of Urban and Regional Planning, UP diliman. This event was organized by some senior members of

Me and cheng actually didn't want to go since we don't have a proper sleep due to some work needed to finish. Well, glad that we finished and sent it yesterday and attended the assembly even though we were late and it was raining. :)

The Real Definition of a Father

Can someone consider himself as a father if he didn’t do any good for his family? I think no. Fo me, he can only be called as SD. SD stands for Sperm Donor. Yeah, he is just a sperm donor only. Why? Because it takes a real man to be called as a father. Also, a real father knows how to protect, provide and be responsible for his OWN family.

Like what I found on the net when I research for the real meaning of father. Read on below:

My little girl turned 11-Months-Old today

Yay! My little angel turned 11 months today. One month to go and it's going to be her 1st year existence on earth. Gosh, I still don't have plan on that special day but I'm hoping I can cope up with the budget and advice all the people I'm going to invite.

Here's actually my little plan for that day, I'm just going to have a simple celebration with the people who are dear to my heart. People who didn't even bother to judge me nor left me hanging in times I am really down and depress. :)

Anyway, here's the simple things that chloe can do now that she's already 11 months old:

My New Blog Header!

Just when I got bored with the simple text header of my blog, that's why I become more eager now to research for a tutorial on how to make a blogger header using GIMP.

GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is an open source graphic editing software like photoshop.

Here's a simple tutorial for those who are interested.

1. First, you need to open your GIMP program and select file > New

2. On the blank canvas that you have, select File > Open and search now for the picture file you're going to use.