Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Another MyLikes Payment

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Just when I checked my paypal account, I'm glad that I received another payout from mylikes. Anyway, below is the screen shot for the proof. I think this is the fifth payout I received  from them. Though it is not that too much, still I'm glad because I received another online payment. True indeed that you can earn online!

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Personality Quiz: Get to know yourself better

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Just having a blog hopping when I stumble on a personality quiz. Anyway, here's the result after I answered some questions:

Your view on yourself:
 You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
 You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.           

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Friendster Major Reformat

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I just recently learned about friendster major reformat when I watched the news flash last night. Actually, it didn't cross my mind that they are going to have a major site update. Friendster is one of my favorite social networking site way back high school days and actually, it play a major role in my love life.

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My Baby Feeding Routines

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Since my baby started to eat solid food as early as 4 months. Here is the baby feeding routines I/we always follow:

During the whole day:
  • Formula (since I'm at work)
  • Infant cereal (preferably cerelac with different flavors)
  • Water or Formula 

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Gosh! What's happening to me?

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What is this I'm feeling? My whole body is very cold and shaking. Gosh! Is it because of what happen this night? I'm actually panicking when I hear every time my mom shouted ouch because of her stomachache. Plus the fact that I heard SDs voice outside our house singing some of our song. He made me reminisce all the memories we had shared. Well, I know he's not into me at all because he already gave up on us. Now, I can't cry hard enough. Anyway, for anyone who can read this what do you think I'm feeling now? I'm totally shaking and very cold. My friend actually told me to get a blanket and cover my body. Good thing that it help me a little.

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Common Baby Teething Symptoms

My little daughter's two little teeth. :)
Teething usually begins around 6-8 months of age. This can actually happen at any age. Their are some babies who actually born with a teeth, although it is rare. Others get their teeth as early as 3 months or even as late as 12 months.

I remember the time when my little chloe start teething around 7 months. She has a sore gums and she is very irritable. Thank God because she haven't experience night waking or even diarrhea like others baby do. Well, this scenario explains that teething symptoms may really vary from child to child.


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New Blog Game – BackLink To Me

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Here is a new blog game that we all can play. It is called BackLink To Me. This is a new and fun blog game that we all can play, which will help us increase our backlinks. Backlinks, as we all know, is the foundation to a successful or increased Google PageRank. If you want to increase your Google PageRank, you have to increase the number of backlinks to your site and almost as importantly, your secondary or (deep linked) pages. Backlinks are a collection of other pages on the Net that link back to your site or page within your site. Playing the new blog game, BackLink To Me will help you increase the number of sites that link to your site.

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Chloe's 8 month old pictures!

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As I promised yesterday, here are chloe's shot I've taken:

while she's nursing...

I don't know what she's up to on this shot...

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Chloe's going to be 8-months old tomorrow!

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I've been posting so much drama on this blog recently. I think it's time for me to focus on what other things that makes me busy for several days. Anyway, for the heads ups, my girl would be 8-months old tomorrow. So here's some things she can do now:

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