Bitter Sweet Life

A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Showing posts with label baby development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby development. Show all posts

My Little Girl Walking Exercise

I have mentioned on my previous blog that chloe can now take a little two steps. So for her to learn how to walk fully, here's the video clip of a walking exercise for her.

On the video, we let chloe push something. In that way, she can learn how to walk little by little. :)

My little girl turned 11-Months-Old today

Yay! My little angel turned 11 months today. One month to go and it's going to be her 1st year existence on earth. Gosh, I still don't have plan on that special day but I'm hoping I can cope up with the budget and advice all the people I'm going to invite.

Here's actually my little plan for that day, I'm just going to have a simple celebration with the people who are dear to my heart. People who didn't even bother to judge me nor left me hanging in times I am really down and depress. :)

Anyway, here's the simple things that chloe can do now that she's already 11 months old:

Chloe's 9 Months Old Pictures

Remember my previous blog about chloe's turned 9 months old last May 05, 2011? Anyway, here's some of the pictures I've captured on that special day.

chloe turned 9 months old last 050511!

Last May 05, 2011, My little girl turned 9 months. Oh how fast the time really is, it was like yesterday when I'm carrying her inside my womb but now she turned into more active and lovely child.

In line with this, here are the things she can do now:

Common Baby Teething Symptoms

My little daughter's two little teeth. :)
Teething usually begins around 6-8 months of age. This can actually happen at any age. Their are some babies who actually born with a teeth, although it is rare. Others get their teeth as early as 3 months or even as late as 12 months.

I remember the time when my little chloe start teething around 7 months. She has a sore gums and she is very irritable. Thank God because she haven't experience night waking or even diarrhea like others baby do. Well, this scenario explains that teething symptoms may really vary from child to child.

Chloe's 8 month old pictures!

As I promised yesterday, here are chloe's shot I've taken:

while she's nursing...

I don't know what she's up to on this shot...

Chloe's going to be 8-months old tomorrow!

I've been posting so much drama on this blog recently. I think it's time for me to focus on what other things that makes me busy for several days. Anyway, for the heads ups, my girl would be 8-months old tomorrow. So here's some things she can do now:

Chloe's 3rd Month!

Time is really fast! My daughter turned 3-months yesterday. For the 2 months that passed, my little one learned a lot. She can utter "ooh" sounds, giggles, can bear weights on her knee when she's standing and taking her little cute steps. What a beautiful creation she is!

As I was searching for baby development, I came across with this milestones development chart .