A collection of my life (mis) adventures on being a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and anything in between.

Friendster Major Reformat

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I just recently learned about friendster major reformat when I watched the news flash last night. Actually, it didn't cross my mind that they are going to have a major site update. Friendster is one of my favorite social networking site way back high school days and actually, it play a major role in my love life.

Anyway, on the said news, it says there that we have to save our friendster accounts 'contents' such as photos, messages, blogs or even testimonials before May 31, 2011 or else we'll lose them all in the upcoming major friendster reformat. On the other hand, users frienster account will not be deleted. They say that we can still have the same email login and password in the new friendster once we try to login.

For the said event, friendster offered an application called Friendster Exporter which can help us users to easily export their profile and transfer photos and blogs to other sites like multiply.

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